Hello, My name is
I'm not a
Programmer, and Youtuber.


Visit some of the page below for more detailed information.


Pukul Tikus Batu

game gak berhadiah

Mainkan Hingga Top Score 1001


Buku Resep HTML

Belajar html dasar

Kumpulan tag dan fungsi dasar html


Sertifikat Aja


Jangan dibuka, hanya sertifikat


Buku Yasin Online

yasin online

baca yasin online anytime, anywhere-_-


Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a marketing science that studies a method or marketing strategy in order to promote a brand using digital media that can reach consumers efficiently. One type of digital marketing is website creation, a website that is designed in various ways, whether it is a static or dynamic website. However, the purpose of creating a website is to pour an idea into the internet for the purpose of personal needs, communication media, media articles or even for business purposes such as service/product marketing.

My Name is Zeinniko

Photo of Me

Welcome to myweb, A Child Born April 2002 A graduate of SMA N 1 was born in a the village of a laborer's son. Currently studying Strata-1 as Palcomtech Institute student. learn the science of marketing and website-based software design. currently studying digital marketing work such as website creation services, Digital Product Design, Entrepreneurship and entrepreneur. "Bismillah"


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